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I was surfing the net today and happen to come across a female blogger who pissed me off, and that is hard to do. Generally I am a very easy person to get along with and it takes a lot of effort to make me mad, but this woman stuck in my crawl.
It really is none of my business what she says on her blog, but I won’t go back it was a little to arrogant for me. Let me explain, what got me.

The downing of women, she called bitches! She likes to hang with the guys; women are too bitchy for her. WTF? Of course we get a little bitchy but come on what would we do with out each other Sisters?
And what got me the most is she is married; I wonder what her husband thinks about the “hanging out with the guys”. Oops I bet he doesn’t know. Needless to say I will not go back or name names, I am just bitchy like that 🙂

So I got to thinking today is the day I am going to give out an Award that I received from a wonderful Lady and awesome blogger Health Nut Wannabee Mom.

It was hard to pick just 8, so if ya want just grab it and put it on your blog, everyone one of us are awesome!

Home Sweet Home

And the Award goes to!

DaBombMom2      Alicia is saucy, sexy and like her LOGO on her banner says: She is putting the F U back into Fun one blog at a time!

Still_groovy Kathleen is one great Lady, and as far as I am concerned she is one of the popular heavyweight bloggers!

Momofjenmatt1  is just downright funny, I laugh every time I go to her site. She is down to earth and makes you feel welcome.

Oh_mother_may_I   I just love Margaret, I could so hang out with her. Plus she is one of the best cooks EVER!

Flashfosgitt     Her posts are inspirational, I always get a good feeling whenever I go to her site, I highly recommend it.

Flips_Mom  She is an American mom and proud parent! Her son is fighting for our country and our prayers are with him.

Be the Rain    lea is dear to my heart, and my friend. Plus she has excellent taste in music. I Highly recommend her site!

Pray14me    Tricia’s is one of those bloggers that you just can’t help but love. She tells it like it is!

Until next time bye  🙂